Energy Contract Procurement:
- Provide an overall best fixed contract price to the customer
- Analysis all offers for the customers portfolio to forecast the spend for the contract term, having the security of a fixed term contract
- You will receive the invoices directly from the supplier.
For many of our customers we follow the procurement process as dictated by OJEC regulations, we also use the same process for clients who are not subject to the regulations, but who wish to follow a best practice procurement process to achieve targets such as transparency and competition in public procurement as well as fairness.
Invoice Verification:
We check all your invoiced sites to ensure you are only paying for sites you are responsible for.
There are many businesses that are paying for sites they do not own, Meters where the rates switched, the wrong Unit rates and VAT applied. To name just a few.
We receive copy billing from your supplier to ensure you are being billed correctly and where you have multiple sites we check our records to ensure that all the sites are invoiced at the correct time.
Where estimated reads are being used we will where appropriate liaise directly with your site contacts to gain the correct readings.
Portfolio Management:
As your broker we will have a record of all your sites including the billing data, when your contracts are due for renewal, we arrange all the renewal contracts and do the relevant paperwork including submitting cancellation notices.
By having accurate data it means when its time to go out to tender this can be done without delay.
When you vacate a site or acquire a new site, we will do all the relevant paperwork including arranging new contracts for the acquired site/s. These will then be added onto your existing contracts.
Billing/Supply Queries:
We offer a dedicated billing supply query service, this is a service that many customers find very helpful, we liaise with your supplier to resolve any billing issue they may be experiencing. In addition if we find a customer has been overcharged we will do our best to get you refunded as soon as possible. We do not take any share in savings, the customer gets a full 100%